Womens Suits

Womens Suits are not that difficult to fit if you know what to look
for. The easiest way to know how to fit a suit
is to know what your body
type is. Most of us simply don't wear the same size on
the top and
So, choose retailers that have suiting collections so you can mix and
match them. I highly recommend you buy a 2-piece suit off the rack. But
before you try anything on, look at the fabric.
Ideally you should only purchase a natural fabric because it will last
longer. Although, it is OK to choose a fabric with 1 to 3% of elastic
in them for a bit of stretch, it isn’t necessary. If you can’t afford
100% wool, choose a blend with the most wool you can get.
I personally consider wool to be the very best choice for a suit. Why
buy a wool suit, because wool wears and looks the best over time. It's
Malleable, Absorbent Breathable. It hangs well yet it maintains its
shape. You have lots of choices to choose from both in color and weight.
This page how to fit a suit would'nt be complete if I didn't talk about
“super 100s”
Womens suits are best if you can find them made of super '100'
wool. They are bare none
the primo of suiting fabrics. The best year around one is super 120 to
150. A much finer weave gets expensive and is more fragile
to Fit Suit Pants
As I talk about how to fit womens suits , I can't leave out how to fit
pants. Slacks
are usually much easier to fit then a jacket. When shopping for the
pants the legs absolutely have to be long enough. Wearing pants that
are too short will make you look shorter then you are and frumpy.
the pants on with the shoes you’ll be wearing. Make sure the
pants hit the top of the shoe with a little break. Meaning if the pants
hang straight without a soft break around the shin area then you pants
are too short.
Some women have very small rears and seat of the
pants poof out or bunch at the center. This is not good and it is one
of the easiest things to correct with alterations.
Another part that is
easy to correct is excess material on the thighs. If you have whiskers
at the crotch, the pants are too small particularly at the
there is a fold of fabric at the crotch then the lenght of the crotch
is too long. What you need is a shorter waisted pant. Look
for a
waist pants.
you're bottom heavy you may have to go up a size or two and have the
waist brought in. If you have a tummy or sensitive about it, choose
flat panels not pleats.
Pleats make you look larger, they don't hide
the fat they accentuate it. Also keep in mind where the tops you chose
will land. Preferably you want them to land just about the middle or
slightly lower of the widest part of your tummy.
your trying on clothes, don’t just ask the opinion of your sales person
unless you worked with her or him in the past and trust them
implicitly, ask for opinions of the other women who are there also
trying on clothes as well You’ll be amazed the feedback and ideas